
Setting Goals as a Neurodiverse Entrepreneur

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Entrepreneurship is a challenging yet rewarding path, offering a unique platform for self-expression, innovation, and impact. For neurodiverse entrepreneurs, navigating the business world comes with its distinct set of challenges and strengths. Understanding and leveraging effective goal-setting techniques can be instrumental in turning unique perspectives into successful business outcomes. In this post, we'll explore three powerful goal-setting strategies: SMART goals, HARD goals, and Golden Circle goals, tailored for neurodiverse entrepreneurs.


What Are They?

Business goals are vital for entrepreneurs, especially those who are neurodiverse, as they provide a clear focus and direction. These specific objectives, tailored to the unique needs and aspirations of a business, range from financial growth to customer satisfaction and can be both short-term and long-term.

Why Set Them?

Setting goals is essential as it offers a structured approach to business, helping neurodiverse entrepreneurs in organising and prioritising their efforts. These goals serve as benchmarks for measuring success and progress, providing tangible evidence of achievements and areas for improvement.

Goals also enhance motivation and engagement, particularly in areas that align with the entrepreneur's interests and strengths. They guide the efficient allocation of resources, ensuring time and efforts are optimally utilised.

Goal setting is key in risk mitigation, enabling early identification and management of potential challenges. Neurodiverse entrepreneurs, with their unique perspectives, can be adept at foreseeing and navigating these risks.

Additionally, goals drive innovation and growth, encouraging entrepreneurs to think creatively and pursue continuous improvement.


Our first technique is SMART goals. This stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timebound. Let's unpack each element in more detail.


Clearly define what you want to achieve. For neurodiverse individuals, who often thrive on detailed and concrete thinking, setting specific goals can be particularly effective. For example, instead of saying "increase sales," specify "increase sales by 20% in the next quarter."


Establish criteria to measure progress. This could involve quantitative metrics like revenue, customer numbers, or qualitative measures like customer satisfaction levels. Neurodiverse entrepreneurs can leverage their often detail-oriented nature to track progress meticulously.


Set realistic goals that are challenging yet attainable. This is crucial for maintaining motivation and confidence. Neurodiverse individuals might have unique skills or perspectives that can be leveraged to achieve these goals.


Ensure that your goals align with the broader vision and mission of your business. For neurodiverse entrepreneurs, this might mean aligning goals with their unique values and the impact they wish to create.


Assign a deadline to your goals to foster a sense of urgency and focus. Neurodiverse individuals might benefit from this structure, as it can help in organising and prioritising tasks.

HARD Goals

Next up is HARD goals. Despite the off putting title, it stands for Heartfelt, Animated, Required, Difficult. This one definitely needs unpacked!


Develop goals that resonate deeply with your personal values and passions. Neurodiverse entrepreneurs often have intense areas of interest or passion, which can be powerful drivers for setting and achieving goals.


Visualise your goals in a vivid and detailed manner. Many neurodiverse individuals are visual thinkers and can benefit greatly from this approach. Visualisation can involve imagining the successful outcome of your goals or the steps needed to get there.


Perceive your goals as necessities rather than options. This perception can create a compelling drive to achieve them. For neurodiverse entrepreneurs, framing goals as essential can tap into their often strong focus and determination.


Set goals that push you out of your comfort zone. While this might seem daunting, it encourages growth and learning. Neurodiverse individuals often excel when they’re deeply engaged with challenging tasks that align with their interests.

Golden Circle Goals

Finally, we have Golden Circle Goals pioneered by Simon Sinek in 2009. It revolves around three components: why, how, and what.


Start with your core purpose – why does your business exist? For neurodiverse entrepreneurs, this might involve a personal connection to the problem they're solving or a unique perspective on a common issue.


Identify the specific actions or processes needed to realise your 'why'. This is where neurodiverse entrepreneurs can apply their often unique problem-solving skills and innovative approaches.


Define what you will do to achieve your 'how' and ultimately, your 'why'. This is about the tangible products, services, or outcomes your business will deliver.
Whichever method you choose to set your goals, always remember that the aim of goal-setting is ultimately to drive improvement.